Crystal Continued....
The judge was clearly delighted by this little puppy and her idea of how to get where she wanted in the training world. The audience applauded and the judge then requested that Crystal do her manoeuvre up and down the hall. First time out and to everyone’s amazement she went like a dream. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry it was a wonderful moment and so so funny. We often see him at shows and she always greets him. This little girl has what it takes!!
She went on to win Puppy Group in show at Westbury and the judge said she would love to take her home.
Crystal Gives the air of being a tomboy however at heart she is a sensitive little soul with a heart of gold. When walking should anything go wrong such as the dreaded scooter coming up behind us she will firstly check with me to see what we should do about it, this i find very reassuring as she always looks to me for guidance first, always checking on me and is never out of my radar
Chrystal is smart, loves the game and never happier than when we are playing it. While training she is steady reliable and extremely attentive.
She is lovely With other dogs and always checks with me first to see if it is appropriate to approach, In a polite manner.
Sounds like she is the perfect dog!!! Well she has solid breeding behind her and I truly believe in training, This exercise in my opinion is the foundation stone for a true understanding of handler and dog.